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This year the Rogue Valley Prescribed Burn Association is collaborating with the OSU Extension and Oregon Department of Forestry on a variety of opportunities for hands-on learning, training and certification in the use of controlled burning and wildland firefighting skills.
This year the Rogue Valley Prescribed Burn Association is collaborating with the OSU Extension and Oregon Department of Forestry on a variety of opportunities for hands-on learning, training and certification in the use of controlled burning and wildland firefighting skills.
This training is for all who want to learn about the intentional use of fire for healthy landscapes and safer communities. Experienced instructors will teach hands-on skills including: weather monitoring, equipment use, ignition techniques, and unit layout. Additional talks will cover fire science, cultural burning, and more. Sharing between participants from diverse backgrounds will enrich this community-based event to blaze a path towards a better relationship with fire.
This is a two-day training: April 6th & 7th, 9am-5pm.
Cost is $25 per person. Registration is required.
To Register:
Questions? Email Chris Adlam at