Community Wildfire Preparedness

Providing defensible space and wildfire risk reduction resources for landowners

Our Community Wildfire Resilience Program aims to organize and support community outreach and education events and participate in partnerships which foster community preparedness, ecological land stewardship, resilient ecosystems, and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. The two main project avenues for this program are general mechanical fuel loading and outreach.

General Mechanical Fuel Loading

Mechanical fuel loading involves the reduction or rearrangement of hazardous fuels in order to reduce the risk of wildfires and promote ecological resilience. Techniques include tree thinning, brush piling, pruning low-hanging branches, and creating fuel breaks. These strategies can be accomplished with tools ranging from chainsaws to wood chippers.

Read more about fuels reduction in the Applegate Valley in the Applegater Newsmagazine

Recent Grants

OR Dept. of Forestry Small Forestland Grants (read press release here)

Wagon Trail Firewise 

All Lands Wildfire Resiliency Project 

USDA Community Wildfire Defense Grant for an updated Community Wildfire Protection Plan in the Applegate Watershed

For more information about these grants, contact


Wildfire preparedness requires the cultivation of strong community connections. These networks promote the development of a defensible, resilient landscape.

Recent Grants

The Nature Conservancy: Sub-award for USFS Oregon Dry Forests Fire Learning Network 

BLM Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program Activities Cooperative Agreement

Jackson SWCD Upland Habitat Function & Condition Grant 

For more information about these grants, contact

We are partnered with the Applegate Valley Fire District and the Rogue Valley Prescribed Burn Association.