FRC Hosts First ASIP Training

Firebrand Resiliency Collective recently hosted its first ASIP (Assessing Structures in Wildfire Prone Areas) training to dedicated community members and fire professionals. In the coming months, these trainees will be testing out a wildfire risk assessment tool and will soon be able to provide you with a free home wildfire risk assessment! Read the full story here. This training is part of an effort among many collaborators, APWC included, who are working to coordinate a strong and unified wildfire response across the Applegate.

Applegate Partnership

The Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council is a community-based non-profit organization whose mission is β€œto promote ecosystem health across the Applegate watershed through stewardship, education and restoration carried out in partnership with landowners, agencies and other interested parties while contributing to local economic and community well-being.”

APWC 2024 Annual Report Released.


ODF Updates its E-Notification System