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Pile Burning Workshop

  • 1950 East Fork Rd Williams, Oregon 97544 USA (map)

The Rogue Valley Prescribed Burn Association is collaborating with the OSU Extension and Oregon Department of Forestry on a variety of opportunities for hands-on learning, training and certification in the use of controlled burning and wildland firefighting skills

This free workshop is intended for people with limited or no experience using fire, and/or folks who like to stand around a fire, chat and make new friends, and get some work done. Topics covered will include building good piles, choosing burn days, safe ignition, equipment, monitoring active fires, extinguishing piles, and monitoring completed burn sites. There will be multiple experienced fire professionals and resources on site to ensure safe and informative burning.

Please RSVP to Kai at

Reminders with time and address will be sent.

February 3

Applegate Water Security Education Event

March 8

PRS Volunteer Work Party