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“Provolt After Dark,” a two-part event series by Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council (APWC) and the Provolt Volunteer Team, celebrates Southern Oregon’s dark skies. Hosted at Provolt Recreation Site, both events will amplify your appreciation of the wonders of nature that can only be witnessed at night.
Star Party: Learn about Southern Oregon’s dark sky heritage, discover the value of preserving dark skies, and gain practical tips on how to reduce your own emissions. Then, let seasoned stargazers Barbara Yates and Mark Solomon guide you through an exploration of the early September night sky. Bring a camp chair or blanket, bug repellent, warm layers, and a red-light headlamp if you have one. Snacks and telescopes will be provided. Attendance is limited to 50 people. Registration is optional.
Contact charlotte@apwc.info with questions.