Join A Greater Applegate and the Applegate Partnership and Watershed Council for a day long water security workshop.
Learn about household and residential landscape water conservation practices, as well as practical solutions for water storage.
When: Saturday, June 17th from 9:30am - 4:00pm
Where: Applegate Fire District #9, 1095 Upper Applegate Road, Ruch, OR
**Tickets available for purchase here in advance and at the door on the day of the event. Registration includes lunch.
9:30-10:00 - Arrive and Check-in
10:00-11:00 - Opening Remarks: Water Use and Availability in the Applegate by Jackson County Water Master Shavon Haynes
11:00-11:45 - Household and Residential Landscape Water Conservation with Kora Mousseaux of Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District
12:00-12:45 - Irrigation Management and Efficiency with Gordon Jones of OSU Extension
12:45-1:15 - Grab n Go Lunch Provided by Emily's Kitchen
1:00-1:45 - Setting up and Permitting Grey Water Systems with Pat Heines of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
2:00-2:45 - Pond Building with Roarke Ball
3:00-3:45 - Rainwater Collection with Jim Reiland
3:45-4:00 - Closing Remarks from AGA and APWC