Give back to your local community recreation site, join us for our joint work day and team meeting!
Friday, November 17th (weather permitting)
10 AM - noon: Morning Work Session
Noon -1PM: lunch and Catch-Up Meeting (hot soup or chili !)
1PM- 3PM: Afternoon Work Session
Folks are welcome to come for whatever portion of the day they would like.
Here is a sampling of our work punch list:
Prepare new wooden bench sites downstream of the boat ramp.
Repair or replace broken picnic tables.
Prepare sites for concrete benches (similar style to the beige picnic tables along the Education (bark) Trail.
Remove irrigation pipe some already pulled from the ground, some still needing to be pulled.
Remove a stretch of unsightly and purpose-less fencing.
And what list is complete without... Weed Whacking ! Blackberry eradicating.
There is something for everyone and although we will likely have a few priority items, we will do our best to accommodate your preference on the day.
Bring: folding chair, water bottle, appropriate clothes for the weather on the day, your favorite gloves, friends, family etc.
I hope you can join us and please let me know if you will attend so we can best plan food and projects.
Liz Shen, Chair
Provolt Volunteer Team